Best Things to See & Do in Penzance


  • The Drift Stones (The Sisters)

    Also known as the Triganeeris Sisters, or simply 'the Sisters', the Drift Stones are an impressive pair of standing stones situated in a field just off the A30, a few miles west of Penzance near the village of Drift. The largest...
  • Carn Kenidjack

    The Tinners Way is an ancient 18 mile (29Km) trail from St Ives to Cape Cornwall in St Just. The walk takes in everything that is quintessentially West Penwith, starting on the rugged north coast and heading inland across high moor which has...

  • Zennor Quoit

    Located about a mile south of Zennor on the high, flat Amalveor Downs is the substantial Zennor Quoit, a fine example of a portal dolmen. The sketch below was made by the renown antiquarian William Borlase in 1769 an the...

  • Chûn Quoit

    Positioned high on the exposed north coast of Cornwall, Chun Quoit is remarkable for being the only dolmen in the area to have retained its capstone in its original setting around 5000 years after its inauguration, the four...
  • Carfury Standing Stone

    The tall, slender menhir at Carfury stands at about 10 feet (3m) tall. The stone was known as Cuckoo Rock at one time and it is possible that it was one of a pair as their is a larger fallen stone nearby

    In 1958 the site was...

  • Porthmeor Stone Circle - Treen Common

    Located on the West Penwith moors, as they drop back down towards the north coast is this apparent stone circle. It seems much of the time the stones are obscured by the gorse and heather, however, after a recent fire they...

  • Boswens Standing Stone

    Boswens Menhir is a standing stone near St Just in West Penwith, possibly associated with the nearby Tregeseal stone circle. Visible from Tregeseal stone circle, and not far from Chun Quoit, Boswens Menhir stands in the middle...
  • The Blind Fiddler

    Standing over 10' high and visible over the hedge from the A30 to Land’s End, this Menhir earned its name, along with numerous other ancient stone sites, from what was probably a moral parable aimed at warding people off...

  • Boskednan Stone Circle detail

    The Boskednan stone circle is located in an area of moorland rich in megalithic sites. Within a mile of the site are notable stones such as Men-an-Tol, Men Scryfa and Carfury menhir to mention a few. Within the immediate vicinity...

  • As with Madron Well, this water source in the village of Sancreed pre-dates Christianity, though traditional rituals and reverence did not diminish in the Christian world; visits for sacred ritual and healing passing from...

  • Bosiliack Barrow

    Bosiliack Barrow is an example of a Scillonian entrance tomb found scattered over the West Penwith peninsula and the Scillies, but is unique insofar as its rediscovery and listing as such is very recent (C20th) and so it has suffered little...

  • Sancreed Beacon is a granite hill, rising nearly two hundred meters above sea level, with several Bronze Age burial mounds on top and the remains of a Bronze Age hut on the western slope. The Beacon, which gives spectacular views of the Land's...

  • Bodrifty Round House

    More than sixteen Neolithic quoits and tombs and more than twenty Bronze Age monuments have been found on the Penwith moors, which are also home to Bodrifty Iron Age village, one of the best-preserved of its kind in the world....
  • The five holed stones found on Kenidjack Common are somewhat of an enigma. Relatively little known when compared to neighbouring Tregeseal East stone circle and virtually unheard of when compared to the nearby superstar of...

  • Tregeseal East Stone Circle

    Overlooked by the rocky outcrop of Carn Kenidjack on Truthwall Common near St Just are what remains of a complex of perhaps three stone circles. Today all that remains is the Tregeseal East stone circle.

    What is...
