John Nettles - Actor

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John Nettles was born in St. Austell and attended the local Grammar School. He went on to Southampton University where he studied philosophy and history and acted in drama society productions. This led to an offer of work at the Royal Court theatre.

Nettles came to prominence in his role as Jim Bergerac in the television series ‘Bergerac’. He also appearance in ‘A Family at War’, ‘Black Beauty’ and ‘The Liver Birds’ among other productions. He has performed extensively with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Latterly, his most famous role has been in the series ‘Midsomer Murders’.

In addition to acting, John Nettles has also written several books, two of which are connected to his role in Bergerac’ and reflect his love of Jersey. He returns to the West Country regularly and has played in three or four pantomimes in Plymouth.