The handsome, green village of Flushing, just opposite the busy port of Falmouth has a slightly different feel to it, perhaps because it was settled by a Dutch community in the 17th century, who hailed from Vlissingen in Holland, also known as Flushing. Various ships’ captains also favoured this village and built themselves impressive Queen Anne style houses. Like its larger neighbour Falmouth, shipbuilding and repairing has been the stock trade of this village for hundreds of years.
St Peter's church is built in a Norman Style but is only around 150 years old. To save the long drive round, Flushing is reachable by ferry from Falmouth.
Entertainment and dining comes in the form of the Seven Stars, a riverside pub in Fal area and the well-considered seafood restaurant, the Waterside. Its small sandy Kiln beach is popular in the summer months.