St Anthony's Head Lighthouse

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St Anthony's Head Lighthouse
St Anthony's Head Lighthouse

Here, at the entrance to the vast waterway that is Falmouth harbour and the Carrick Roads, it is the offshore Manacles Rocks which pose the danger and St Anthony lighthouse was commissioned by Trinity House in 1835 to warn ships of their presence, and of the dangers of Black Rock sat square in the middle of the channel into the harbour. These rocks have obviously been a hazard for more than the lifespan of the lighthouse and, given the maritime history and importance of Falmouth and environs, other, more rudimentary, beacons were previously employed, ranging from fires to flags. The fog warning for this stretch of water remained fairly basic until the 1950s, when a modern horn system replaced the massive bell, and it was at the same time that the white tower's lamp changed to electricity. In 1987, the keeper was retired and the lighthouse became fully automatic.

St Anthony lighthouse's more modern claim to fame is that it featured in the opening credits and many scenes of the 1980s children's TV programme 'Fraggle Rock'.

As with Trevose and Pendeen lighthouse, St Anthony’s keepers’ cottages have now been converted into holiday lets, offering visitors a unique place to stay, with stunning views and a real understanding of being exposed to the elements, though ear plugs are recommended in times of fog!